Psychedelic Rock | Musicosity

Psychedelic Rock

The Amorphous Androgynous

AMORPHOUS ANDROGYNOUS is the psychedelic band created by The Future Sound of London, A SAMPLERDELIC FUNKOID ROKTRONIC cosmic ambient oozescape merging the sonic with the lyric -the beat with the beat-less -the classic rock with the epic freeform roll -the mantra with the tantra -to convert the how? into the Tao -To merge the possibilities of technology with the plausibility of NO-OLOGY -to combine a love for the forgotten treasures of old with the unfolding mysteries of the new-to combine the electromagnetic machines with psychedelic dreams...

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There are at least six bands called Orchid:
1. A hardcore band from Amherst, Massachusetts
2. A doom metal band from San Francisco, California
3. An indie-pop band Poznan, Poland
4. A rock band from Halifax, Nova Scotia
5. an alias of Alexander Tooth
6. a "post-prog" band from Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
1. Active from 1998 to 2002, Orchid was first and foremost a hardcore band. Orchid combined a post-modern aesthetic with hardcore punk...

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Terminal Cheesecake

Terminal Cheesecake formed in North and East London in 1988 and was put together by Gary (Jah Geezer) Boniface (formerly of The Purple Things and The Vibes). The band was formed along with Russell Smith, Mick Parkin and John Jobbagy (drummer from the Vibes and Purple Things and leaving the band in late 1989) were the first band signed to the then fledgling Wiiija Records (which later went on to spawn Cornershop, Silverfish, Bis and many more listener-friendly indie-stalwarts).

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