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There are several artists known as SAKURA... 1. SAKURA - Russian indie rock band from Moscow. Official Site: http://www.sakuraspace.info/ 2. SAKURA - Azeri creative grunge band. Site related: http://azrock.info/index.php?showforum=81 3. SAKURA - Experimental gothic band reigning from Ireland. Site: http://www.myspace.com/butterfliesandbitches 4. SAKURA - former teenage rock band from the Isle of Man (c 2003). Released ep Feeding From The Fruits Of The Sakura Tree. Singer now in Swound!

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1. REBECCA (???????) was a Japanese popular pop/rock band active mostly in the late 80's, fronted by NOKKO. They released 7 albums from 1984 to 1989. The band's name comes from the novel "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm". 2. Rebecca, was an noise punk rock band from Pazin/

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There is more than one artist with this name: Angelo is a band consisting of キリト(Kirito, Pierrot) on vocals, Karyu (D'espairsRay, joined the band in 2011) on guitar, ギル (VIDOLL/ヴィドール, joined the band in 2011) on guitar, KOHTA (Pierrot) on bass and TAKEO (Pierrot) on drums. Official Homepage: http://angeloweb.jp/index.php
2) Angel Luis Garcia, Jr, known simply as "Angelo" - was born March 28, 1976 in Brooklyn, New York.

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There are three artists currently on LastFM using the name "Class": 1) Mihaela Cernea, Mihaela Florea, Vlad Cernea and Florin Cojocaru formed, in 1994, the Romanian group Class. The name of the band was chosen from a list of several names that sounded good in both Romanian and English. Class was chosen because, aside from the aforementioned criterion, it could also represent a carefully studied, somewhat classy dance music.

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KAN (born September 24, 1962) is a Japanese singer-songwriter. His real name is Kan Kimura(木村 和). He once said that he chose the artist-name simply as "KAN" in order not to confuse listeners, because it is not common to read the letter "和" as Kan.
He released "Yokereba Issho-ni" as the new single on Feb.10, 2010. The release of the new album is also scheduled on Mar. 10, 2010, and it will be titled "Kanchigai-mo Hanahadashii Watashi-no Jinsei" .

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There are more artists with this name:
#1 Daisy, a Finnish band
#2 Daisy, a female DJ
#3 Daisy, a Swedish singer (known earlier as Starclub)
#4 Daisy, a Norwegian band
#5 Daisy, a Mongolian singer
#6 Daisy, a Croatian band (#1)
Daisy has been together in this form since 1999, when Matti Ikonen (keyboards) joined the group. As soon as he joined, after about 6 gigs, Thomas (vocals, guitar) left for England to study. This brought the band to a near standstill for three years.

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Yuki Koyanagi

Yuki Koyanagi (小柳 ゆき, Koyanagi Yuki?, born January 26, 1982 in Saitama, Saitama Prefecture, Japan), is a Japanese pop singer. Her height is 154cm, and her blood type is 'B'. She released her first single, 'Anata no kisu o kazoemashô - You Were Mine' on September 15, 1999. This song was a huge hit in Japan and made the 17-year-old a sensation overnight. Her second album 'EXPANSION', sold over 1.3 million copies. She has done several albums (in English) of cover songs, including disco and movie standards. After a break of several years, her latest album 'Sunrise' was released in March 2007.

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Perfume is the name of at least two bands. Perfume is a three person / group from Hiroshima who debuted locally in 2001 and nationally in 2005. In 2001, three 11-12 year old girls from an Artist School formed a group together in their hometown of Hiroshima. Consisting of Ayano Ōmoto (Nocchi), Yuka Kashino (Kashiyuka), and Ayaka Nishiwaki (A-Chan). Because all three members had the Japanese character (香) for fragrance in their names, they named the group Perfume. In 2002, they released two limited edition singles only in Hiroshima, called “OMAJINAI★ペロリ” and “彼氏募集中”.

Read more about Perfume on Last.fm.

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