melodic rock | Musicosity

melodic rock


There are more groups with the same name: 1. Harlow a female fronted 80s/90s rock / AOR band.
Last known line-up: Theresa Straley - Vocals
Pat Regan - Keyboards
Tommy Thayer - Guitars
Todd Jensen - Bass
Steven Klong - Drums 2. Harlow was formed in 1985 in Kansas City, Missouri by Mickey Kravitz, a singer with a vision to put together a glam band like no other in Kansas City. Having been mainly influenced by bands like Sweet, T-Rex, Angel, Piper, and Starz, he started his search...

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There are Four acts by the name of Scarlett: 1) Scarlett was an indie pop rock band from Streamwood, Illinois
consisting of: Arnel (Drums), Scott (Guitar), Arnley (Guitar), Neal (Bass), & Njomza (Vox)
for news, mp3's & shows, go to: to download their ep "darling lets not panic" go here: (Link updated on 9-15-10, EP ripped from CD 256kbps)

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Marco Mendoza

Marco Mendoza is an American musician - bass player and vocalist. He played in John Sykes' band Blue Murder, from 1991 until 1993. Mendoza is the current bassist for the reformed version of Thin Lizzy, which also features Sykes. From 2001 to 2003 he toured with Ted Nugent and in 2004 he toured with Whitesnake. On July 6th, 2007, Mendoza released his first solo album Live For Tomorrow and it features guest performances by Steve Lukather, Ted Nugent, Doug Aldrich, Tommy Aldridge, Brian Tichy and others.

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1) Striker are a speed metal band from Edmonton, Canada, with their first release being the 'Road Warrior' EP. Their debut full length album "Eyes in the Night" was made available on April 10, 2010. It's about time for another Canadian high-octane band to set the world on fire. Standing on the shoulders of Canadian giants like Annihilator, Exciter, Cauldron and the best of European and American Speed Metal, STRIKER certainly are one of the finest newcomers from Canada in the last decade.

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There have been at least 9 acts called Touch, including a rock band from NYC in the late 70s and early 80s, and an early progressive rock band from Portland from the late 60s. Other acts include a psychedelic band from St. Louis in 1969, a pop band from the Czech Republic, an

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There are a number of artists with the name TEN. 1) TEN, Manchester, UK, ( Melodic/Hard Rock ) TEN are a British melodic rock/hard rock band which was formed in 1995 by vocalist Gary Hughes, ( as a natural progression from his two previous solo albums ), and guitarist Vinny Burns. Later added guitarist Aziz Ibrihim and a rhythm section of bassist Shelley and drummer Greg Morgan. The debut album was crafted by the late producer Mike Stone. It was released in May 1996 selling 20'000 copies in Japan where the group immediately gained a rabid following.

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There exist five acts with this name: 1. A side project of Lycia members Mike Vanportfleet and fellow member David Galas
2. An atmospheric/ambient/raw dark/black metal with vocals reminiscent of early Burzum.
3. A Finnish rock band
4. A death.blues London, UK band
5. A techno act from sweden. -----
1) In the midst of an incredibly prolific time for the band Lycia during the mid-'90s, bandleader Mike Vanportfleet and fellow member David Galas found time to create a side project...

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There are several artists by this name: 1) Magnum was a "free soul" act in the 70's from San Pedro, CA. 2) Magnum is an American AOR band. They released only one full album - No Secrets (1989). We recommend to tag them as Magnum (US). 3) Magnum are a British melodic rock band from Birmingham England. Formed in 1972, Magnum have undergone several changes in personnel over the years but the singer-songwriter core of Bob Catley and Tony Clarkin remain today.

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