goregrind | Musicosity



There are eight artists by the name of Vex. 1) Vex hailed from South East London / north west kent area and formed in the very early eighties, the 'Sanctuary' 12" and 'It's no crime' on the Mortarhate compalation 'Who?What?Why?When?Where?' were their only releases.
Sanctuary was issued on Fight Back, a sublabel of Mortarhate, run by the people of Conflict. Vex also played gigs with Conflict, so they were more associated with the anarchist punk scene than the Batcave fair. But contrary to most anarcho-punk bands from that time, they were not influenced by CRASS or Conflict.

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There are two bands named Spasm. One is an industrial band on Invisible Records consisting of Mark Spybey of Dead Voices on Air, Eric Pounder of Lab Report, Martin Atkins of Pigface and Curse Mackey of Evil Mothers. They have released two full-length albums, 1995's Spasm and 1997's Smear. The other is as follows: DRUM N BASS GIGOLO GOREGRIND FROM CZECH REPUBLIC www.facebook.com/spasmgrind
http://bandzone.cz/spasm Discography:

Read more about Spasm on Last.fm.

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Homebase of Groove Goregrindformation Rompeprop is Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Starting as a threesome; Jores du True (drums), Dirty Dr. Dente (guitar) and Steven Smegma (gargling) wanted to create the kinda music they love the most; partygroovin goregrind with sick downtuned vomit vocals. Inspired by Utopie, Gut, Impetigo, Haemorrhage and N.C.C. they had their first try out in 1999, but it really started of after they found bassplayer Micheil the Menstrual Mummy at the Fuck The Commerce Fest 2001.

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There are at least 4 artists named Locust: 1) Locust is a project of Mark Van Hoen, a British artist who has been releasing electronic music since 1993. 2) The Locust is a grindcore/experimental band formed in 1994 in San Diego, California. Please correct your tags to The Locust. 3) Locust (로커스트) was a Korean popular music band, active in the early 80's. 4) Locust is an alias of Perry O'Neil, who runs the progressive trance label Electronic Elements.

Read more about Locust on Last.fm.

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There are more artists under name Pyro: 1) Hailing from Copenhagen, Denmark, Pyro started making music at the age of 14. Although fascinated by all electronic genres, he quickly settled on drum and bass when it first appeared commercially in 1995. He then spent the next few years exploring this sonic domain, seeking the darker/techier forms of the sound. In 2000, Pyro and Paul Reset were signed to Trouble On Vinyl, under the Semantix moniker.

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In 2000, Ted Poley joined the band Melodica with Gerhard Pichler on guitar. As a band, they released several albums: USAcoustica, and Lovemetal among them. During this time, Poley returned to U.S. and played for the first time in seven years. Wikipedia Apparently, there are a few bands with the same name that play different music and, somehow, share this page, for example; the green scary logo does not belong to the melodica whose tracks you can listen to here.

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There are three known artists which share the name Ascaris: 1. Polish death metal band. The band was founded in 1991 in Wrocław. It was not until 1992 that they released their first demo cassette "Crawling Chaos", followed by a full-lenght album "Uncured Sickness" two years later. Two last releases of Ascaris were an EP "Grapes of Wrath" (1996), and an album "Storm of Dilemmas" (2001). The latter contained Death's cover of "Empty Words". The band split-up after releasing their second full-lenght. Guitarist Havran was also a member of Polish thrash metal band Nostredame.

Read more about Ascaris on Last.fm.

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