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There are eight artists by the name of Vex. 1) Vex hailed from South East London / north west kent area and formed in the very early eighties, the 'Sanctuary' 12" and 'It's no crime' on the Mortarhate compalation 'Who?What?Why?When?Where?' were their only releases.
Sanctuary was issued on Fight Back, a sublabel of Mortarhate, run by the people of Conflict. Vex also played gigs with Conflict, so they were more associated with the anarchist punk scene than the Batcave fair. But contrary to most anarcho-punk bands from that time, they were not influenced by CRASS or Conflict.

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There are 3 artists by this name 1.Melbourne, Australia based bedroom project of Ocean Party guitarist Curtis Wakeling.

2.Bilingual MC, soulful beatmaker and Puerto Rico's premier hip hop DJ 3. Dallas, TX based ambient jam band. 1.Velcro is Curtis Wakeling, a long time bedroom/shed/living room recorder of lo-fi ballads and experiments.Velcro are now playing shows as a three piece with Ash Wyatt of Pop Singles on drums and Liam Halliwell of The Removalists & The Ocean Party on guitar.

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There are three known artists which share the name Ascaris: 1. Polish death metal band. The band was founded in 1991 in Wrocław. It was not until 1992 that they released their first demo cassette "Crawling Chaos", followed by a full-lenght album "Uncured Sickness" two years later. Two last releases of Ascaris were an EP "Grapes of Wrath" (1996), and an album "Storm of Dilemmas" (2001). The latter contained Death's cover of "Empty Words". The band split-up after releasing their second full-lenght. Guitarist Havran was also a member of Polish thrash metal band Nostredame.

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Mishka Adams

Mishka Adams’s aesthetic roots include the literary, visual and musical arts. The daughter of Filipina visual artist, Agnes Arellano and British writer, Michael Adams, was born on May 19th 1984 in Manila. At her tender age she was already associated with the Philippine literary scene, when her dad was publishing the Caracoa literary journal along with the Philippine Literary Arts Council. Mishka does her share of writing as well, of poems that later turn into songs. “A lot of my songs starts out as poetry. My dad was a big influence on me” – she enthuses.

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Improvising guitarist with mixingboard/electronics, also heard in $un$hine republic, jack nicholson trio and with drummer rich preston. formerly played with tex la homa, miss black america and my hi-fi sister. Releases Gish/Perry - I'm Afraid I Ate Too Much Butter As A Youth (Apollolaan) Gish - Pilfer (Dead Sea Liner Gish - Making Clocks (Dirty Demos) Gish / Black Guns Split (Krayon Recordings)

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