groovy porngrind | Musicosity

groovy porngrind


There are two bands named Spasm. One is an industrial band on Invisible Records consisting of Mark Spybey of Dead Voices on Air, Eric Pounder of Lab Report, Martin Atkins of Pigface and Curse Mackey of Evil Mothers. They have released two full-length albums, 1995's Spasm and 1997's Smear. The other is as follows: DRUM N BASS GIGOLO GOREGRIND FROM CZECH REPUBLIC Discography:

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Rectal Smegma

Goregrind from Holland Rectal Smegma started late 2003 under the name Carnal Rancidity. After a month or 2 we deceided to continue under the name Rectal Smegma.
After a few line-up changes and some weeks we remained as: Yannic: vocals Frans: guitar, Robin: bass and Walter: drums.
After a load of gigs and the recording of our debute album Licking a Leper Robin left the band due to amputated limbs.

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