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Kirlian Camera

Kirlian Camera was founded by the keyboardist/vocalist Angelo Bergamini in Parma, Italy in Spring 1980. The band really was born in 1979, called Suicide Commando, but this name was dropped for the existence of a namesake band. So, when Bergamini started to interest to paranormal phenomena, he knew about a special device invented by Semion Kirlian to take photos of the aura of the human body and from this took the name of the group, suggested by Mauro Montacchini.

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Belvedere was a canadian / band formed in 1995. Originally not meant to play a show, they gained a cult following in Canada's scene. Known for their blazing speed and vocals, the band also appeared on the Warped Tour and Groezrock Festival bills.
Taking their name from the '80s sitcom, Belvedere began in Calgary, Alberta, Canada in 1995 as the three-piece of Steve Rawles (guitar/vocals), Brock (bass), and Dan Hrynuik (drums).

Read more about Belvedere on Last.fm.

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There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Petra is a Christian Rock band formed in 1972 by Bob Hartman, Bill Glover, John DeGroff, and Greg Hough. "Petra" means "rock" in NT Greek, making the band name a triple pun. Rising from the jesus music movement, and initially signed to Myrrh Records, they fought to gain acceptance and recognition in a church culture that at the time believed rock music to be off-limits.

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June Paik

June Paik are an emotive hardcore band from Donauwörth in Germany. They've released a selftitled 7" (React With Protest), a selftitled 12" (React With Protest/Parade of Spectres), the latter of which drew their already dark and intense style more towards epic build ups and heavy droning passages much in the vein of mid-90's Canadian hardcore bands such as Union of Uranus and One-Eyed God Prophecy, a Split 12" with Titan (React with Protest), a selftitled 10" (React with Protest) and a Split 7" with Battle Of Wolf 359 (React with Protest/Adagio830).

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