crust punk | Musicosity

crust punk

Born Dead

atleast 2 is known under this name
Born/Dead formed in the late 2000 in Oakland, California. They have released a number of records on D.I.Y.labels such as No Options Records, Prank Records, and Yellowdog Records in Germany. They have toured the U.S. and Europe extensively in their five years of existence, and have played with bands like The Subhumans, The Restarts, and The Capitalist Casualties.

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A) Old school death metal band from Sweden. In the vein of the Swedish gods Entombed and Dismember, etc. Started out in the end of 1990 but were never satisfied with their demo recordings and never released anything. The band eventually died out but was resurrected by Jimmy in 2008. In his own words: "I was too nostalgic and said to myself that: Now, many years after the band died, my old songs must be recorded and a demo shall be made, so I started the band again on my own".

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Amebix, formed in 1978, was an important UK punk band that many consider to have started the subgenre "crust punk", by mixing heavy metal with hardcore punk. They established crust as being separate from thrash metal by mixing punk music with metal tempos, as opposed to thrash bands' mixing of metal music with punk tempos. Influential in the anarcho-punk genre, Amebix' song "No Gods, No Masters" became a slogan for the movement worldwide.

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Nuclear Death Terror

Nuclear Death Terror is a anarcho-crust punk band from Copenhagen, Denmark.
They have released a demo tape, a full length LP and a 7" on Plaguebearer Records.
Their lyrics deal with topics such as capitalism, war, anarchism and drug abuse.
The band has spoken out for filesharing after CAH records sold their mp3s without telling them. Their entire discography is available from for free.
The band is strongly connected to the Ungdomshuset in Copenhagen.

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Chaos UK

Chaos UK are a UK band formed in 1979 near Bristol. Consisting of Simon on vocals, Andy on guitar, Kaos on bass, and Potts on drums (although the band has been through many different line-ups over the years with Kaos as the only consistent member). Their lyrics deal with topics such as unemployment, economic recession, drinking, infanticide, distrust of government, the police, and authority in general.

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Concrete Sox

Concrete Sox were an early hardcore punk/thrashcore band of the 80's hailing from nottingham, UK. Fans of the band often consider Concrete Sox an early style crossover band which later was popularized by other bands like Suicidal Tendencies. They mixed hardcore punk influences with huge metal influences in the vein of thrash metal (this is very evident on the bands earlier material, with a very huge Metallica worship sound on some songs.) Concrete Sox were a very outspoken band, lyrically speaking about protecting the environment and animal rights.

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Masked and fucked-up crustjunkies from Suomi-Finland-Perkele! No hi-hit, blastbeats or fancy drumming. D-beat ONLY! Short insane tracks with crust´n roll guitars and one vocalist that will scream his brains out. Perpare for the crustattack of the year at OEF 2007! Tinner comes from the swedishspeaking island of Aland in the Baltic Sea.
Newcomers on the scandinavian crustscene but have already played alongside bands like swedish grindmasters SPLITTER and FROM THE ASHES.

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Poison Idea

Poison Idea was formed in 1980 in Portland, OR by vocalist Jerry A. (aka Jerry Lang). The initial lineup consisted of Jerry A., Tom “Pig Champion” Roberts (guitar), Glen Estes (bass), and Dean Johnson (drums). Inspired by Black Flag and other early Southern California hardcore acts, they were further influenced by Discharge and Los Angeles's the Germs. Germs singer Darby Crash was a strong influence on singer Jerry A.—vocally, lyrically, and philosophically—was monumental, and Poison Idea followed the Germs’ extremist punk ethic.

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There are at least four Victims: 1)The first were a seminal punk band from Perth, Western Australia, in 1977-79. The band's members were Dave Flick (Dave Faulkner) on guitar and vocals, James Baker (drums) and Rudolph V (real name Dave Cardwell; bass). Baker and Cardwell had both been members of The Geeks, formed in early 1977 with Ross Buncle on guitar and a vocalist known as Lloyd. That band had soon folded, but with Faulkner on guitar and vocals, some Geeks songs were revived by a new band, The Victims.[1] Faulkner, while in The Victims, referred to himself as Dave Flick.

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