dark noise | Musicosity

dark noise


Robedoor is the duo of Alex: slime, knives and distortion, and Notnotfun label head honcho Britt on fire, howls and cloaks...
Hmmm... but what does all that mean, sonically? Well, precisely what you might imagine. A blackened drone drenched world of slime and knives and fire, dense clouds of distorted howls, a thick cloak of fuzz and buzz wrapped around the proceedings like a thick, well, cloak! Actually this is a lot prettier than you might imagine. That is, if your idea of pretty includes tons of low end and a world of slow motion doomdrone.

Read more about Robedoor on Last.fm.

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There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Italian horror-themed deathcore band
1) Solo punk project of Vinnie Stigma from Agnostic Front
3) Thrash metal band from the Netherlands
4) Female-fronted death metal band from the Czech Republic
5) German alternative rock band
6) Alternative rock band from Finland
7) Romanian pop-rock band
8) Anarcho-punk band featured on some Mortarhate Records compilations
9) Hungarian hip-hop artist

Read more about Stigma on Last.fm.

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At least two artists share this name: 1) Emerge is a Post-Mathcore band from Tasmania, Australia. They have realesed two over-hyped demos, 'Untitled' and 'Controller'. They are currenly working on the release of their first E.P. titled A Pending Disaster, set for release mid-October. Tracks include 'Untitled', 'Contoller', 'Elendil Hobson-Naumann (The Edge Song)' and 'Matt Garwood (Where's Our Vocal Demo?)'. There has been alot of hype surronding the band. Which has in some cases led drummer Tim Bezemer to grow a larger than normal head.

Read more about Emerge on Last.fm.

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