goa trance | Musicosity

goa trance


There are at least 3 artists called Charm: 1) A Japanese powerviolence band.
-split with U.G MAN
-split with GALVANIZEHEAD 2) A Classic Goa Trance project of Tatsuo Endo and Takeichirou Kurosaki from Japan. 3) Charm is a Spanish pop duo.
Band members: Martha Mateo & Lydia Cuestas.
New single of spanish pop duo Charm:
Charm "shooting star" (2009) on iTunes. 4) Charm is Phillip Falcone, a DJ and rapper who had a minor hit in 1991 with 'Butt Naked'.

Read more about Charm on Last.fm.

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There are seven different bands that go by the name "Ethereal":
1) A Metal band from Portugal
2) A psychadelic duo from Sweden.
3) A black metal band from Colombia.
4) A Melodic Death Metal band from the Netherlands.
5) A decent powerpop/rock band from Central Coast, Australia.
6) A black metal band from Colorado, USA.
7) A black metal band from Liverpool, UK. 1)
In the year of 1997, Ethereal is assembled in Setubal (Portugal), by the vocalist/lyricist Hugo Soares.

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There are 11 different bands known with this name.
1. Elysium (PL) is a melodic death/thrash metal band from Poland, Wroc³aw. The song "Snake Legion" turns up as the 7th track of off the 2008's "Death Metal Legends" Complication.
For more information, see Official Elysium website 2. Elysium (DK) is Kristian Thinning Andersen, a producer of Ethnic Tribal Goa trance from Denmark. Elysium has been around since 1994, relesing a variated amount of music on labels such as Nova Zembla, TIP, Dragonfly Records, BNE, Iboga, Chill Tribe and Avatar Records.

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David Moreno

DAVID STRONG Moreno was born in Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona) on on the 24th August 1969. Already at the age of 15 he became involved in communication media, colaborating on several local radio shows. In 1988 he won a DJ competition for DJs from Cadena Rato (now Onda Cera). But it was in 1989 when he arrived in Ibiza that he turned professional, creating the programme Ibiza Dance, which still runs today on Flaix FM 105.0.

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Hi! My name is Josef Hofinger, born in Austria, I`m a DJ since 1996 and I'm producing my own music since 2002. I started my musical career at the age of 6 as a drummer. I visited the music school for eleven years and played in various kinds of ensembles. During that period, I played bongos, congas, many other percussion instruments and subsequently the didgeridoo.
At the age of 16 I discovered the magic of vinyl, and started off as a DJ with techno music. Later, I bought my first psytrance record and directly fell in love with this kind of music.

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There are 24 people/groups known as Orion: 1) Orion - Michal Opletal, Czech hip-hop artist and producer (also known as Papa Ori, Vorel or Mitch Bjukenen), member of PSH.
2) An music project by Danish producer & Dj Jean Borelli.
3) A Moldavian singer and producer.
4) Jimmy Ellis aka Orion was an American solo artist.
5) An Estonian / band.
6) Alias for Ørjan Nilsen aka DJ Governor.
7) A Finnish DJ/Producer
8) A rapper from Germany, Sachsen-Anhalt.

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