Mellow | Musicosity



Chromatics originally hailed from Seattle as a quartet featuring vocalist Adam Miller, drummer Hannah Blilie, guitarist Devin Welch, and bassist Michelle Nolan. That lineup debuted in 2002 with a Calvin Johnson-produced 7" on Gold Standard Laboratories -- a split with Die Monitr Batss -- and followed with the similarly GSL-issued Chrome Rats Vs Basement Ruts LP. While Chrome Rats was critically hailed, Chromatics couldn't keep it together, and Miller was soon the only member in good standing (Blilie, Welch, and Nolan went on to form the similar-sounding Shoplifting).

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Nat Johnson And The Figureheads

Nat Johnson is the former singer, songwriter and guitarist of Monkey Swallows the Universe. Her debut solo single, 'Dirty Rotten Soul' was released in September 2008. Since then, she has put together a band operating under the name of "The Figureheads". One of The Figureheads (Kevin Gori - Guitar) should be familiar to fans of Monkey Swallows the Universe. Kev and Nat have been playing music together since 2003. The Figureheads are completed by Chris Loftus (bass), who has previously played with Fury of the Headteachers, and Neil Piper (drums), who also drums for Champion Kickboxer.

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1) Houses is an anonymous lo-fi electronic duo out of Chicago, Illinois. They are signed to Lefse Records. 2) Houses is also an alternative pop band from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. They've released an EP with 5 songs called End Of Story in march 2010. 3) Houses is a psychedelic rock and roll revival 7 piece from Denver, Colorado. They released 3 EPs in 2009 (Spring EP, Summer EP, Fall EP) and are currently recording a full length.

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Denise Morgan

Denise's songs are her biography and embedded within are the people who have brought love, pain and confusion into her life.
Denise turns these complexities of emotion into simple, sweet songs.
It is the combination of soothing yet powerful vocals and writhing emotions that make her songs so compelling.

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Mark Edwards

The story behind Mark Edwards' exhilaratingly beautiful debut album, Balance, is as unusual as the record itself. Ten instrumental pieces, lovingly assembled in an almost beat-free style which aligns glassy guitar figures with minimalist keyboard elegance, Balance is a record born out of a private passion.
After a lifetime spent immersed in music, as a journalist, composer and multi instrumentalist, Edwards had pretty much decided against going public with his tunes.

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