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Immortal Technique

Felipe Andres Coronel (born February 19, 1978), better known by the stage name Immortal Technique, is a Peruvian rapper, and an urban activist. He was born in Lima, Peru and raised in Harlem, New York. Most of his lyrics focus on controversial issues in global politics. The views expressed in his lyrics are largely a mixture of socialist commentary on issues such as class hierarchy, poverty, religion, government and institutional racism.

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Reuben Morgan

Reuben Morgan is a worship leader, music pastor, and songwriter at the Hillsong Church in Sydney, Australia. He is well known for such songs as 'Eagles Wings', 'Hear Our Praises', 'I Give You My Heart', 'My Redeemer Lives' and 'Touching Heaven, Changing Earth'. In 1999, Morgan and Marty Sampson formed "United Live". Darlene Zschech, the worship pastor of Hillsong (1995-2007), had suggested to Morgan that they make an album with the youth worship team and, in 1999, they made their debut album called Everyday with Morgan and Sampson leading the team.

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Noam Chomsky

Avram Noam Chomsky (born December 7, 1928) is the Institute Professor Emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Professor Chomsky is credited with the creation of the theory of generative grammar, often considered the most significant contribution to the field of theoretical linguistics of the 20th century. He also helped spark the cognitive revolution in psychology through his review of B. F.

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There are at least four acts under Edison name: 1) American rock band, Edison,
2) Mysterious one man act from Japan, responsible for the animated adaptation of the BLACK LAGOON manga, EDISON.
3) Australian screamo/emo band from Woodend, Victoria.
4) Beat juggler out of San Francisco, CA and signed to Kid Without Radio label, 1) Edison: Ethan Isaac — Vocals Jonathan Svec — Guitar Joel Kelley — Guitar Todd Budich — Drums Anton Kreisl — Bass

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