psichedelia | Musicosity


Supreme Dicks

Underground avant-garde alternative rock band of the 1980s and 1990s. Originally based in Amherst, Massachusetts at Hampshire College, and at times also based in New York City, Seattle and Los Angeles. Arose in the same college musical scene that gave birth to Dinosaur Jr and also associated with the early grunge movement, especially the Seattle grunge bands including Nirvana. Known for four albums, very noisy concerts and band members' disputatious and disruptive attitude.

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Robedoor is the duo of Alex: slime, knives and distortion, and Notnotfun label head honcho Britt on fire, howls and cloaks...
Hmmm... but what does all that mean, sonically? Well, precisely what you might imagine. A blackened drone drenched world of slime and knives and fire, dense clouds of distorted howls, a thick cloak of fuzz and buzz wrapped around the proceedings like a thick, well, cloak! Actually this is a lot prettier than you might imagine. That is, if your idea of pretty includes tons of low end and a world of slow motion doomdrone.

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Indian Jewelry

Further Notes Regarding Peel It
Peel another 40-hour-workweek off the stack gyrating in your hands. Strip it from the wad and make it drizzle on the sign twirler at the live-nude intersection - “We Buy Gold, We Sell Gold” the sign reads.

Peel the gold leaf off the holy headpiece, off the Temple Mount, off the Dome Rock. Lotto jackpots get shared.

Peel the radial Goodyear’s off pop’s Ford Exploder glazing doughnuts into every Texas lawn, sister. Peel the sod away, the drought sucks like a dry hump with two backs, brother.

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