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Tom Carter

Tom Carter is best known for his work with Charalambides, which he co-founded with longtime creative partner (and one time wife) Christina Carter in 1991. Carter has also undertaken solo work and numerous collaborations with Bardo Pond, Vanessa Arn, Robert Horton, Ian Nagoski, Tower Recordings, Double Leopards, Yellow Swans, Starving Weirdos, and Jandek, among others.

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Robedoor is the duo of Alex: slime, knives and distortion, and Notnotfun label head honcho Britt on fire, howls and cloaks...
Hmmm... but what does all that mean, sonically? Well, precisely what you might imagine. A blackened drone drenched world of slime and knives and fire, dense clouds of distorted howls, a thick cloak of fuzz and buzz wrapped around the proceedings like a thick, well, cloak! Actually this is a lot prettier than you might imagine. That is, if your idea of pretty includes tons of low end and a world of slow motion doomdrone.

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