Miguel Vargas Jim
Miguel Vargas Jim
Buika (b.1972) is a Spanish singer. Her music mixes flamenco with soul, jazz ,and funk. Born Concha Buika in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, her family came from Equatorial Guinea; she grew up among gypsy people. Ever since she was a child her musical talent was evident, but it was after a visit to London to study drama when, after being invited to a Pat Metheny concert that her life changed. From that moment she began her musical career. During the 1990s she took part in different productions, such as Ombra by La Fura Dels Baus and the soundtrack for the Spanish film Km.
Carmen Pacheco Rodríguez, born in Linares (Jaén) in 1951, is without doubt a fundamental pillar of all current flamenco singing, she masters a vast repertoire of flamenco styles due to her long experience. Her enormous versatility has allowed her to take part in zarzuelas (a Spanish form of musical drama), plays and several projects involving classical musicians and musicans from the world of jazz. Out of her works, the recording of an anthology of female flamenco singing is the one which stands out.