indiepop | Musicosity


Eugene Kelly

Eugene Kelly was born on 1965 and is a Scottish musician who was a member of the band The Vaselines and also BMX Bandits and has had a number of solo releases. Eugene Kelly formed The Vaselines in 1986 with Frances McKee and was a member until 1990 when the band split up. Kurt Cobain of Nirvana was a fan of the band and two covers of songs by The Vaselines were included on their Incesticide album.

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18 July 1968: Made it through the birth canal. Screamed a lot, I suppose but it was good to be here. Until spring 1978: Probably spent my time eating lots and growing up. Played a lot in nearby forest, North Germany. Some time in 1978: Got my first guitar and started to take lessons with a very patient and beardy teacher who also had a fondness for home knitted cardigans and vests. Germany discovered bio-dynamically grown produce and I learned to play Bach and The Beatles on a Spanish acoustic guitar.

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Next Time Passions

Next Time Passions were five boys from Athens/Greece:
Vassilis Pneymatikos-vocals.
Elias Papadopoulos-organ.
Makis Petratos-guitar.
Nikos Kalaskanis-guitar.
Yannis Dinos-bass, harmonica. They used a drum machine. Their only releases were the “Angel Flower” 7” on Greek This Happy Feeling label (feel 01) in 1993 and a split 7” with Impossible Tymes (with members from them and One Night Suzan) on Spanish Elefant Records in 1994.

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Arthur and Martha

Arthur and Martha is an electronic two piece formed in London, UK in 2004. The original lineup consisted of Adam Cresswell and Alice Hubley. Arthur and Martha follow in the footsteps of the great electronic two pieces of our time; Pet Shop Boys, Erasure, Sparks, 2 Unlimited and others. Their live show has been described as "Gilbert & George, disguised as The Carpenters, steal the hits of Kraftwerk and bash them out on an old moog in the style of Section 25" Their debut single Autovia was released on Happy Robots Records in April 2008.

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There are three artists with this name: (1) KiDDO sound like a musical ménage à trois between The Strokes, U2 and The Killers. More fun than a High School Musical Sing-along at a silent disco, these purveyors of riff-laden indie-pop are probably the sound of tomorrow… if the sound of tomorrow turns out to be riff-laden indie-pop. Which they reckon it will. “KiDDO have a fine line in maximum rock and roll, enough hooks to hang tonight’s huge curtains on and anthems that burrow into the brain” – NME

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Mark Salling

Mark Salling is a musician/actor most known for rounding out the most-versatile cast to hit the 2009 Fall TV line-up, as badboy “Noah Puckerman,” “Puck” on FOX’s Glee. Always a songwriter first and at heart, Salling recently released his debut solo album “Smoke Signals” under the pseudonym Jericho. A jack-of-all-trades, Salling plays guitar, piano, bass and drums while writing, producing and singing lead vocals on all his tracks and even lending his original songs to other artists such as Josh Green and Danielle McKee.

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There are several artists called Fenster. 1. FENSTER (Bln via NYC) // Formed in 2010 by JJ, a New Yorker, Jonathan, a Berliner, and later completed by percussionist/journalist Lukas FENSTER makes de-constructed pop music, exploring electro acoustic arrangements peppered with traffic noises and bird calls. Their lyrics are often carefully constructed dream narratives, finding inspiration in the world of ghosts, graveyards. trains, religious imagery, and broken machinery. In their music, they build songs around errors, blending melodic chords with broken beats or minimal percussion.

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