On the Radar | Musicosity

On the Radar

the bedroom hour

The Bedroom Hour are a 5 piece psychedelic guitar/synth based band with epic melody and charmed vocals.
Home Page: http://www.reverbnation.com/thebedroomhour
Band Members: Stu Drummond, Mark Dudley, Mattia Milan, Rob Payne, Ryan Pincott
Active Since: 06/08
Genres: Alternative / Psychedelic / Epic Dream Rock
Location: London, UK
Similar Artists: The Boxer Rebellion, Interpol, Doves, Elbow, Death Cab for Cutie

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The New Tigers

The New Tigers is a fuzzy pop group from Turku, Finland. The band consists of Valtteri Virtanen (of Goodnight Monsters), Appu Jasu (Anselmus), Kece (Love Summer Boys), and Janne Kauppinen (Kauppilan Puutarha]). The record label Soliti released their debut album on 21st September 2011. official site:

Read more about The New Tigers on Last.fm.

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AM & Shawn Lee

The musical collaboration of AM & Shawn Lee has resulted in a unique brand of electro-soul that achieves seamless pop perfection, while mining a startlingly broad array of stylistic influences. The resulting blend of heartfelt, warmly melodic songcraft and vivid, inventive soundscapes underlines the artists' abiding love for all manner of vintage genres, encompassing pop, soul, funk, jazz, Brazilian tropicalia, Turkish psychedelia, and soundtracks and library music from the '60s, '70s and '80s.

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1) Loop was a South London band founded in 1986 by Robert Hampson and his then wife, Bex. Loop's sound was characterized by strong and influences in addition to the minimalist mayhem of The Stooges and MC5. Their songs were almost uniformly harsh and repetitive, with indecipherable vocals buried under layers of noisy guitar riffs and metronomic drumming. Some of the records featured covers of Suicide, The Pop Group and Can as bonus tracks.

Read more about Loop on Last.fm.

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Wussy is a four-piece rock and roll band comprised of ex-Ass Ponys frontman Chuck Cleaver (guitar, vocals), Lisa Walker (guitar, vocals), Mark Messerly (bass, keyboards) and Joe Klug (drums). They formed in Cincinnati, Ohio in the early 2000's with original drummer Dawn Burman. Cleaver and Walker began playing together in 2001 as a result of Cleaver’s stage fright when asked to perform a brief run of solo shows. The duo’s first performance was largely unplanned and yet went without incident.. so they agreed to continue and expand.

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Burning Hearts

Le Futur Pompiste, which released one marvelous album in 2004, Your Stories and Your Thoughts, before the vagaries of adult life scattered them far and wide; and Cats On Fire, whose debut long-player, 2007's The Province Complains, captivated all who were lucky enough to hear it (among them the writers at superlative U.K. magazine The Word). It was inevitable that this pair of bands, whose music shares a poise and sophistication rarely heard anywhere, never mind within the modest environs of Finland, would find each other.

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