white rap | Musicosity

white rap

Celph Titled

The over-the-top, bazooka wielding action star of hip hop, charismatic Floridian word master Celph Titled began his professional entrance into the rap game as a teenage lyricist and local production staple during the late 90's indie 12-inch vinyl boom. Being a member of, and producing for, a number of boundary-pushing Tampa rap crews at the time, he networked heavily to take his music worldwide and began contributing beats and rhymes to a non-stop tirade of vinyl singles during a time when the 12-inch single market was key in building a cult fan base.

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Slug is the name used by multiple musical acts: (1) American hip hop artist Sean Daley, of Atmosphere; (2) South African trance artist Liam Gibbs; (3) a Los Angeles avant/noise rock band; (4) a Chicago-based trance/breakbeat producer; (5) a house DJ from the Shetland Isles, (6) a singer-songwriter from the UK and (7) a south american thrash-metal band.

1. Sean Daley, Slug, Atmosphere:
Minneapolis, Minnesota isn`t exactly the ideal spot to try and maintain a career in hip hop, but somehow, Slug has managed to do just that.

Read more about SLuG on Last.fm.

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1. Raz is Raz Kfir from Israel, a master of psytrance. His debut album Twisted fairytale on Sundance Records offers us new perspectives into powerful melodic trance. His music is filled to the brim with power, ecstatic emotion and brooding atmosphere, layered with bass lines so phat you can carve your Sunday roast on them. The melodies are unique & rich and uplifting, and some also take on a distinctive sinister dark edge…producing a war inspired apocalyptic “The world is ending” vibe. taken from http://www.sundance23.com/RAZmedia.htm

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The Snowgoons are Hip-Hop producers based in Germany. The Goons currently consists of DJ Illegal, Det Gunner, Sicknature, & J.S. Kuster. The Snowgoons started in 1999, when longtime hip-hop fans Det and DJ Illegal teamed up in order to make beats together. In 2006, the duo, whose sound is often compared to the Wu-Tang Clan, added Torben and DJ Waxwork to their lineup, and after being signed to New York-based Babygrande Records, the Snowgoons debut album, German Lager...

Read more about Snowgoons on Last.fm.

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