babygrande | Musicosity



There are multiple artists named Holocaust:
1. A Heavy Metal band from Edinburgh
2. A Wu-Tang clan affiliate aka Warcloud aka Robot Tank aka Alcatraz
3. A 60s garage punk band
4. A Canadian black metal duo, also known as Cumming Jehovah
5. A German black metal band.
6. A 1980s punk band from Christchurch, New Zealand. 1. Holocaust is one of metals most influential and pioneering bands. Tributes have been paid by no less than Metallica ("The Small Hours"), Six Feet Under ("Death or Glory"), and Gamma Ray ("Heavy Metal Mania"), among others.

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The Snowgoons are Hip-Hop producers based in Germany. The Goons currently consists of DJ Illegal, Det Gunner, Sicknature, & J.S. Kuster. The Snowgoons started in 1999, when longtime hip-hop fans Det and DJ Illegal teamed up in order to make beats together. In 2006, the duo, whose sound is often compared to the Wu-Tang Clan, added Torben and DJ Waxwork to their lineup, and after being signed to New York-based Babygrande Records, the Snowgoons debut album, German Lager...

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Akir is an African- American rapper who is known for the political message in his songs. His single "Politricks" exposes political efforts to thwart minorities political voices. Akir was featured on Immortal Technique's Revolutionary Vol. 2 & in the Source's "Unsigned Hype" in January 2005. In March 2006 he released his debut album Legacy. Akir first entered the hip-hop scene as an on-air personality with WNMH 97.9 (Mass.) from 1994 to 1996.

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