jmt family | Musicosity

jmt family

Celph Titled

The over-the-top, bazooka wielding action star of hip hop, charismatic Floridian word master Celph Titled began his professional entrance into the rap game as a teenage lyricist and local production staple during the late 90's indie 12-inch vinyl boom. Being a member of, and producing for, a number of boundary-pushing Tampa rap crews at the time, he networked heavily to take his music worldwide and began contributing beats and rhymes to a non-stop tirade of vinyl singles during a time when the 12-inch single market was key in building a cult fan base.

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The Snowgoons are Hip-Hop producers based in Germany. The Goons currently consists of DJ Illegal, Det Gunner, Sicknature, & J.S. Kuster. The Snowgoons started in 1999, when longtime hip-hop fans Det and DJ Illegal teamed up in order to make beats together. In 2006, the duo, whose sound is often compared to the Wu-Tang Clan, added Torben and DJ Waxwork to their lineup, and after being signed to New York-based Babygrande Records, the Snowgoons debut album, German Lager...

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R.A. the Rugged Man

R.A. the Rugged Man, real name R.A. Thorburn, is a rapper from Stony Brook, Long Island. He began his music career at age 12. At 18, he signed to Jive Records. R.A.'s legend, perpetuated by the P.R. biographies at his various labels, say he was dropped due to violent and disgusting behavior, but in interviews he disputes many of the more extreme stories told about him, adding that Jive just didn't know how to break new artists at the time.

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