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Starlight Theatre

Starlight Theatre aren’t short on energy as they work the nubile audience into pop-rock bliss. The local four-piece nail the quiet/loud dynamic down to a tee, interspersing clean verses with chunky choruses and frequently launching into Californian rock-inspired riffage.” - DENIS SEMCHENKO (Rave Magazine) Brisbane four-piece, Starlight Theatre – formerly known as Falling Short - could be described as a cosmic mixture/violent clash of Unwritten Law, Anberlin, Angels and Airwaves and a smidge of U2.

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Faker is an Australian alternative rock band, formed in Sydney in 1996. The band consists of vocalist Nathan Hudson, drummer Evan Mannell, guitarist Nic Munnings, and bassist Ash Moss. Their touring keyboardist is Dizzi de Cazz. The band has released two studio albums, and despite forming in 1996, Faker's first studio album Addicted Romantic, was only released in 2005. Prior to that, the band played multiple local gigs, and also released two EPs. In 2007, Faker became a mainstream success with their second album, Be the Twilight, and went on to continue touring nationally.

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Anek is an alternative rock band formed in 2001 in Lecce, Italy. Become more popular in 2009 with the release of their “5439" EP and their first single, "Bella", that aired on several local radio stations. Founding members Pete Sandon, his brother Jan Sandon and their friend Dario "Rock-D" Scordari welcomed guitarist Dave Tufano in 2006. At the end of 2009 Jan and Dario left the band and new drummer Loris De Carlo, son of the famous Italian drummer Enzo De Carlo, joined the band. The new line up finished to write and arrange new songs and travelled to London to record Anek first full length.

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The Creptter Children

THE CREPTTER CHILDREN are an Australian pop metal duo that originated in Perth by founding members Iballa Chantelle & N8OR in late 2005. They are renowned for their high-energy performances, catchy song hooks and dark fashion sense. Described as nightmares put to sound, The Creptter Children will leave a scarring impression to all lovers of music who adore the gothic, horror and pop culture. In Australia, The Creptter Children have supported live acts by bands such as

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MUTEMATH is an band which formed in New Orleans, LA, United States in 2003. They consist of Paul Meany (vocals, keytar, keyboards, samples), Roy Mitchell-Cárdenas (bass, percussion), Darren King (drums, samples), and Todd Gummerman (guitar, keyboards, backing vocals). Since MUTEMATH released its first EP in late 2004 and hit the road in 2005, their inherent nature has challenged limitations and expanded parameters.

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Archaic was formed by 3 ex-members of Braindeath (2001-2004, Hungary) in 2004, setting a new path in musical experience - mainly thrash coloured with many kinds of other influences - but still based on the old style of the group. Among a couple of concerts, the band had its second blitzkrieg in Kiev (Ukraine) the same year, but for the first time under the name Archaic. The members have decided to record the first album and started prepare for the big event.

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