Death - Thrash | Musicosity

Death - Thrash


There are many acts called Witchhammer: 1. A Thrash Metal band from Brazil, active since 1986 with four full length albums under their belt.
2. Speed/Power/Thrash Metal group from Norway, formed in 1986 as well.
3. A Black Metal band from Ireland with one demo 'Neo Nazarene'.
4. A Heavy Metal one from Germany; created in 2000 and since releasing 2003's Raise Hell has been inactive.
5. Poland has a Black/Thrash Metal act that released a single demo 'Raped Reality' in 1999.

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There are several bands/artists known as Demolition. (1) A Canadian hardcore punk band (2) A UK punk, (3) a Japanese Thrash Metal band and (4) an Irish American Hip-Hop duo made up of the MC Euyo & the DJ Drama. (1) Demolition are a Canadian band from Barrie, ON that play hardcore punk in the style of Altercation, Agnostic Front, and early Madball. They have released one demo and have members from the now broken up band, Planet Danger.
(2) UK Punk:

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There are at least 7 bands named Revenant: 1. Death/thrash U.S. band from late 80's/early 90's that at times featured members from Immolation and Incantation. Recorded a few demos, but only one full length called Prophecies of a Dying World, as well a couple of ep's. Split up during the mid 90's, yet made an attempt at reforming 2002 to release an ep only to split up again. 2. Revenant is a Thrash / Power / Speed Metal band from Hessen, Germany. One of the members ( Eric "Kalli" Kaldschmidt ) is in Abandoned.

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Marcus Hammarström: Vocals/Bass
Jimmy Ahovalli: Lead/Rhythm Guitar
Simon Olovsson: Rhythm Guitar
Viktor (Bingan) Bingselius: Drums Sterbhaus is a four-piece thrash/death combo of Stockholm that since the start in 2007 has proved well that quality and a neatly weighed dose of humor can blend in perfect symbiosis. That’s the short version. The more elaborate presentation would include that the band is among Stockholms finest and most appreciated live acts.

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There is more than one artist with the name Juggernaut: 1. Juggernaut was a Texas thrash metal band known for their outragous live shows and off stage antics. Two albums were released, both on Metal Blade records: Baptism Under Fire in 1986 and Trouble Within in 1987. Both are available on reissue by High Vaultage records with generous bonus tracks. Juggernuat disbanded in 1993. 2. Juggernaut is a / Band from France. 3. There is also a band from Vienna, Austria called Juggernaut.

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There are three bands with this name. Leprosy from Mexico which was active with the Ex lead singer of the band Transmetal "Pimentel." Leprosy from the Paul Green School of Rock in Downingtown, PA. and Als, and finally Leprosy; a punk band from Melbourne Australia playing in the style of UK82 such as Disorder and Finnish punk such as KAAOS. Leprosy from PA have a sound very similar to Cannibal Corpse's, albeit the vocals are not quite as strong. The general song content is similar.

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