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El Ten Eleven

El Ten Eleven is a Los Angeles-based instrumental rock duo consisting of Kristian Dunn and Tim Fogarty. What separates El Ten Eleven from their musical peers is that they are only two musicians on stage creating pounding landscapes of sound with no laptops or sequencers. Dunn switches off (sometimes mid-song) between a double-neck bass/guitar and a fretless bass, while his feet dance on an extensive floorboard of looping devices and effects pedals. He plays everything live, loops himself and juggles all the layers of tracks on top of each other.

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Go Radio

JASON LANCASTER - Vocals, Guitars, Piano
ALEX REED - Guitar
It’s a truly rare occasion when a debut by a band is met with the kind of feverish fan anticipation that has encircled LUCKY STREET, the full-length debut by Tallahassee, Florida melodic rockers GO RADIO. But then again, none of those other groups have JASON LANCASTER at the helm.

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There are at least 7 bands named Revenant: 1. Death/thrash U.S. band from late 80's/early 90's that at times featured members from Immolation and Incantation. Recorded a few demos, but only one full length called Prophecies of a Dying World, as well a couple of ep's. Split up during the mid 90's, yet made an attempt at reforming 2002 to release an ep only to split up again. 2. Revenant is a Thrash / Power / Speed Metal band from Hessen, Germany. One of the members ( Eric "Kalli" Kaldschmidt ) is in Abandoned.

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