bulgarian hardcore | Musicosity

bulgarian hardcore


There are many bands with the same name: 1) Vendetta is a hardcore band from Sofia, Bulgaria. They took part on few split CD's - one with Last Hope and Skinflick, one with Outrage and one with Born From Pain. Vendetta have one recorded album:
"Amici Dei, Inemici Mundi" or "Friends Of God, Enemies Of The World", translated from Latin. This album recieved very positive reviews throughout the world and is regarded as one of the best European Hardcore records ever done. Unfortunately the band has disbanded two years ago, starting a new project, called ADIM. As of late 2009 Vendetta reunited.

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No Way Out

There are multiple bands sharing the name of No Way Out: 1 - A Punk-pop band from Spain.
2 - A Hardcore/Metal outfit from Melbourne, Australia.
3 - A hardcore band from Belgium
4 - A post hardcore band from San Diego, California. Later changed name to My American Heart.
5 - A punk band originating in Woodstock, CT who still gets together every 5 years to record a new demo tape.

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Бруталната софийска newschool група SKINFLICK вече се затвърди като една от най-яките хардкор банди в България.Тя започва съществуването си още в края на 97 година.Началният й състав е:Стоян,Мъкси и Любо, като след това към тях се присъединява и Кучето от небезизвестните,вече несъществуващи Forward и Stamd Strong,после към края на 98 година идва Мишо и накрая през 99,Явор.В моментът групата представлява:Явор-вокал,Стоян-вокал,Борис-бас,Мишо-китара,Митко(Кучето)-китара и Даниел(Мъкси)-барабани.

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There are four acts known as Hidden, (1) A US progressive black/death/doom metal band (2) nickname of a Persian rap band called Zad bazi (3) The songwriting/production alias of British artist Chris Aucote
(4) Dark Symphonic Metal band from Moscow. (1) Band utilising a progressive and dismal astral Metal style locking in on Death, Doom, and Black Metal along with blasting speed styles. To be matched by a supercluster of scientific theory lyrics and artwork, this is cosmic yet brutal material. The band's conception presents the projection of time as eternity in the cosmos.

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There are at least fsixteen bands called C4:
1. a Hardcore band from Bulgaria
2. A rapper from Texas, United States
3. An electronica artist from Ohio, United States
4. A side project of Michael Angelo Batio, a musician from Illinois, United States
5. A DJ from China
6. A hip-hop duo from Florida, United States
7. A rock band from Japan
8. an experimental artist from Belgium
9. A rock band from the United States
10. A reggaeton band from Chile
11. A DJ from Hungary

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