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George Benjamin

George Benjamin (born January 31, 1960, London, England) is a British composer of classical music. He is also a conductor, pianist and teacher. Benjamin attended Westminster School and then studied with Olivier Messiaen at the Paris Conservatoire during the second half of the 1970s. Messiaen himself was reported to have described Benjamin as his favourite pupil. He then read music at King's College, Cambridge, studying under Alexander Goehr, and emerged in his early twenties as a mature and confident voice.

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Maria Farantouri

Maria Farantouri (Greek: Μαρία Φαραντούρη), born in Athens on 28 November 1947 is a Greek singer. She has collaborated with prominent Greek music composers such as Mikis Theodorakis (Μίκης Θεοδωράκης), who wrote the score for Pablo Neruda's Canto General, which Farantouri performed. During the military junta which ruled Greece until 1975 she colloborated with Mikis Theodorakis by recording protest songs in Europe.

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There are several bands that share the name Fenrir: [1] A Celtic folk metal band from Nancy, France. Their official weblog can be found here. Their Myspace page can be found here. Their album, entitled "Whispers from the Old World," can be downloaded from Jamendo. [2] A melodic death metal band from Granollers, Spain. More information on this band can be found on their Myspace page here. [3] An RAC/Oi band.

Read more about Fenrir on Last.fm.

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Barry Walsh

Walsh studied classical piano with Carol Stone and W.O. Smith at Tennessee State University; played gigs with Roy Orbison and Jimmy Webb; wrote songs for Waylon Jennings, Jessi Colter, The Amazing Rhythm Aces and others, and spent 25 years making a living in Nashville recording studios.

He has toured Europe with Gretchen Peters eight times since '04, and continues to record and tour internationally and domestically with her.

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Rams' Pocket Radio

RAMS' pocket radio is Peter McCauley, a drummer, pianist, jack-of-all and songwriter. Unfettered personal expression is the impetus of the project and with the works of the 1950's product designer, Dieter Rams, in mind - purity, simplicity and longevity are the first concerns.

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Phil Coulter

Composer, producer and performer Phil Coulter was the reigning king of contemporary Celtic music, becoming the best-selling Irish artist of his generation. Born in Derry, Northern Ireland in 1942, Coulter began his career while studying music at Belfast's Queens University, writing the Capitol Showband's 1963 hit "Foolin' Time" and later penning the ensemble's 1965 Eurovision Song Contest entry "Walking the Streets in the Rain." Other notable compositions of the era include Twinkle's 1964 smash "Terry" and Them's oft-covered garage-rock classic "I Can Only Give You Everything.

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There are at least 2 Artists called 'Maksim'
(1) A Croation Pianist
(2) A Hip-Hop MC from Britain (1) Maksim is a Croation pianist, for the Russian singer see ???S??. Maksim was born in Croatia, Sibenik, a small, but beautiful medieval town on Croatias Adriatic Coast, the odds seemed stacked against Maksim achieving his dream.
His mother Slavica and father Karmel knew nothing about classical music (even now they still prefer to listen to pop music on the radio).

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Daisy Chapman

Her first contact with an instrument was at the age of seven. She spent her youth in a residential school where she used every opportunity to spend time in the music room.
In 2004 Daisy Chapman was one of the founders of the quiet successful band Scarlatti Tilt, which is invited to the Fusion-Festival 2009. Solo she is taking a break from the band but not from the powerhouse of a voice.
Stripped down to just piano and voice, Daisy's songs weigh heavy with a haunting beauty and romantic intensity.

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