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There's at least four artists under the name "Otto":
1.The composer, singer and percussionist Otto was born in Pernambuco, Brazil, and he was, among Chico Science, Fred 04 and others, a Manguebeat movement creator, that was a revolution to the Brazilian music. 2. aka DJ Toto from Colombia, who has avery nice release on the net-label Corporate Identity ( 3.A Turkish hardcore band from the Istanbul underground music scene To see the German comedian-act, director (and musician too) Otto Waalkes, click here:

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Milton Nascimento

Milton Nascimento (born 26 October, 1942) is a singer-songwriter who is considered one of the icons of Brazilian Music. Nascimento was born in Rio de Janeiro, and grew up in Três Pontas, Minas Gerais. His mother was the maid Maria do Carmo Nascimento. When he was just a few months old, the boy was adopted by the family for whom his mother had previously worked: the couple Josino Brito Campos (a banker, mathematics teacher and electronic technician) and Lília Silva Campos (a music teacher). He lived in the boroughs of Laranjeiras and Tijuca in Rio de Janeiro.

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Ed Motta

Ed Motta is an / / artist, born Eduardo Motta (17 Aug 1971), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. At the end of the 80's Ed Motta burst upon the music scene as a major singer and one of Conexão Japeri's composers and producers. He was an instant success on the carioca show circuit and his 1988 debut album, "Conexão Japeri" (Warner), confirmed it. Songs like "Manuel", "Vamos dançar", "Baixo Rio" and "Um love" became big hits. The songs were marked by lavish musicality and introduced strong soul and funk components into the pop-rock scene that was the rage in Brazil at the time.

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