There is more than one artist with this name:
1. A DJ from Northern Ireland
2. A rock musician from the United States
3. A rock band from Miami, Florida
4. A hard rock band from Chicago, Illinois 1) DJ Sage
Perhaps it was her musical training or just innate ability, but it was apparent from the start that Laura Totten aka, Sage’s musical sensibilities made her an exceptional DJ. Having started her musical endeavors at the age of 4, the first instrument Sage played was the piano. Her love of music, and talent had her soon graduating to the violin at the age of 6.
Emade is a hip-hop producer and drummer from Warsaw, Poland. He made his name producing beats for Fisz's (his brother) albums and their mutual music project called Tworzywo Sztuczne. Whats more, Emade is involved in POE (Projekt Ostry Emade), a collaboration with rapper and producer O.S.T.R., and an all-star group Bassisters Orchiestra. Emade's beats are rooted in the sound of samplers and modern jazz.
ROLF are a third wave ska band from The Netherlands who've been writing their own songs since the beginning of 2003, striving to compose the catchiest tunes in the Netherlands. Influenced by a wide array of bands and artists, from The Planet Smashers to Coltrane and from Beef to Big D, the band create a sound that is so energetic that it’s hard to keep your feet from tapping, your butt from shaking and your mouth from smiling!
Fu is a Polish rapper. He's been active on the hip-hop scene since it's very beginnings in Poland. He is known for working with bands like ZIP Skład and Zipera. He was first heard in 1998 on DJ 600V's album "Produkcja Hip-Hop", where he appeared together with other mamebers of Zip Skład. After that, he appeared on Wzgórze Ya-pa-3's album "Ja Mam To Co Ty" and on a compilation called "Hip-Hopowy Raport z Osiedla". In 1999 he made a guest appearance on another compilation "600 Kilovolt" by DJ 600V and in September Zip Skład released it's first album "Chleb Powszedni".
Ten Typ Mes
Ten Typ Mes, also known as Mes (real name Piotr Szmidt) is a Polish hip-hop artist born in 1982 in Warsaw, Poland. He started out his musical career as a member of Flexxip, at first a four member band and later on only Mes and Emil Blef. His first appearances on productions are connected to "Muzyka Klasyczna" by Pezet, "Al-hub" by Red and vinyl compilations where he appeared with Flexxip and 2cztery7. An important moment in his career was an appearance on Kodex by Magiera and L.A. together with Emil Blef (as Flexxip) and Pezet.