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Raein is a band from Forlì, Italy. The band features members of La Quiete and Neil on Impression. They formed in 2000 and split up in 2005.
They reformed for a show in Bologna, in September 2007. Andrea joined La Quiete for a Japanese tour 2007. Releases/Appearances:
2002 - Raein
2003 - il n'y a pas de orchestre
2004 - Döden Marscherar Åt Väst 7"
2004 - Split 7" With Phoenix Bodies
2004 - Split 7" with Funeral Diner
2004 - Daïtro + Raein 10" Tags: 
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Boutros Bubba

Boutros Bubba is a Dutch band consisting of three people - guitarist/singer Spoelstra, drummer Vreselijk Ongeluk and bassist Freddie Mercury. Boutros Bubba writes melodic and dissonant songs that are often rhythmically challenging. Members of Boutros Bubba used to star, and in some cases still star, in bands and projects such as: Quarles van Ufford, Gone Bald, SGP, Morbide Eenheid, Mallow, Petrified Host, CSMD, De Reizende Verkoper, Spoelstra and Le Joustra.

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