abstract hip-hop | Musicosity

abstract hip-hop


(For the Korean boy band, see 테이크.) There is more than one artist under this name: 1. Based in Los Angeles, Take (Sweatson Klank) is a composer who continues to push the boundaries of instrumental hip-hop music into new directions. After multiple successful EP's under his belt, Take finally unleashed his debut full length player in 2007, Earthtones and Concrete. This music is nothing short of an epic journey with continuously evolving collages that lead the listener down a dust covered road of bit-crushed melodies and molested jazz samples.

Read more about Take on Last.fm.

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Slug is the name used by multiple musical acts: (1) American hip hop artist Sean Daley, of Atmosphere; (2) South African trance artist Liam Gibbs; (3) a Los Angeles avant/noise rock band; (4) a Chicago-based trance/breakbeat producer; (5) a house DJ from the Shetland Isles, (6) a singer-songwriter from the UK and (7) a south american thrash-metal band.

1. Sean Daley, Slug, Atmosphere:
Minneapolis, Minnesota isn`t exactly the ideal spot to try and maintain a career in hip hop, but somehow, Slug has managed to do just that.

Read more about SLuG on Last.fm.

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1. Broken ( / / ) Follow "Broken" At At www.beatsbybroken.com
Christopher Green or better known as "Broken" was born in Anchorage,AK...
A place where he learned his first musical understandings at, from his brother's beat up stereo and his father's record collection "Broken" gained an early understanding of what hits the heart.
Later moving to Canada and going through many phases and changes during the process Broken heard many types of music which he still carries with him to this day.

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