Japanese psychedelic trio from 1996. Mitani Masashi, Miyake Jirou and Asahito Nanjo (High Rise). Tags:
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Japanese psychedelic trio from 1996. Mitani Masashi, Miyake Jirou and Asahito Nanjo (High Rise).
Feeding Fingers is a trio fronted by artist, musician, author and animator, Justin Curfman. The band was founded in 2006 in Atlanta, Georgia, but has since relocated to Germany. Formation (2006) Justin Curfman, an award-winning animator/filmmaker from Atlanta, Georgia. He had written and produced pieces of music that never found a place in any of his films. With support from guitar/bass player, Todd Caras and percussionist, Danny Hunt, Justin Curfman formed a band to rearrange the pieces as songs and play them live.