Japanese psychedelic trio from 1996. Mitani Masashi, Miyake Jirou and Asahito Nanjo (High Rise).
Japanese psychedelic trio from 1996. Mitani Masashi, Miyake Jirou and Asahito Nanjo (High Rise).
Bloody Mammals is a rock band from SW London that features up to and including: Forty fingers, eight legs, four voices, two guitars, one bass and one drum kit. Loud and energetic, FFO Jawbox, Hot Snakes, Bear VS Shark and Fugazi. Download the demo for FREE here:
Band from lots of places that play lots of songs
NORTH LONDON MUNGRUL MUSIC TRIO. Rock n’ roll for the disenchanted and excitable. ‘APPLY MACHINE’ EP available now on Scatty Cat Records. 6 songs to move your head in different directions. Get it here: CD or Download. Sign up to our mailing list at and download ‘My Head Hurts’ FREE. Please check for up to date gig details. LINE UP