orchestral | Musicosity


True Live

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia based True Live formed in 2003. They're a unique ensemble that cross boundaries of genre and style while engaging audiences with songs of passion and meaning. With performances and recordings of musical and lyrical depth and a line-up consisting of a three-piece string section (cello, violin, double bass), percussion, keyboards and vocals, the group create a contemporary, organic sound that could only be described as monstrous.

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The Paradise Motel

The Paradise Motel are an Australian band originally active from 1995 to 2000, who reconvened in 2008. Current band members (2008-)
Charles Bickford (guitar, organ), Matthew Aulich (guitar, organ), Merida Sussex (vocals), BJ Austin (guitar, organ), Esme MacDonald (bass), Campbell Shaw (violin), Andy Hazel (drums) - replaced Damien Hill following Hill's death in December 2008. The band formed in Hobart, Tasmania but then, soon after Bickford, Aulich, and Bailey in 1995 moved to Melbourne.They found their new lead singer, Merida Sussex, working in the St Kilda Public Library.

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Luigi Nono

Luigi Nono (29 January 1924 - 8 May 1990) was an Italian composer. He studied at the Venice Conservatoire where he became acquainted with . (He married Arnold Schönberg's daughter Nuria in 1955). He became a leading composer of instrumental and electronic music. In 1950, he attended the "Ferienkurse für neue Musik" in Darmstadt, where he met composers such as Edgard Varèse and Karlheinz Stockhausen. Works from this first period include: Polifonica-Monodica-Ritmica (1951), Epitaffio per Federico García Lorca (1952-1953), La victoire de Guernica (1954) and Liebeslied (1954).

Read more about Luigi Nono on Last.fm.

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Jeremy Soule

Jeremy Soule is an award-winning American composer prominent in game music scores. Soule's soundtracks are often critically acclaimed as being among the best in the computer and video games industry and as rivaling the quality of many orchestral film soundtracks. A large percentage of Soule's music is done electronically and emulates real orchestral music so well that it is frequently indistinguishable from the real thing. He has produced and composed music for: * Armies of Exigo
* Azurik: Rise of Perathia

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Yuri Simonov

Yuri Simonov was born in Saratov, USSR, studied at the Leningrad Conservatoire with Rabinovich and assisted Mravinsky at the Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra. His debut was in 1953 with the Saratov Music School Orchestra (Mozart’s Symphony No. 40) and in 1963 at the Leningrad Conservatory conducting Dargomizhsky's The Mermaid. Following success in the Santa Cecilia Conductors' Competition in Rome in 1968, he was invited to make his debut at the Bolshoi Opera (Aida) in 1969, and was almost immediately appointed Chief Conductor: the youngest in history and...

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Brett Dean

Brett Dean (b.1961) is a Grawemeyer Award-winning composer and viola player. Dean studied in Brisbane until 1984, when he moved to Germany to join the Berliner Philharmoniker’s viola section, a position he held for 15 years. He began composing in 1988, becoming established in his own right through works such as the clarinet concerto Ariel’s Music, which won a UNESCO International Rostrum of Composers award, the piano quintet Voices of Angels and Twelve Angry Men, written for the 12 cellists of the Berliner Philharmoniker.

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Franz Waxman

Franz Waxman (December 24, 1906 – February 24, 1967) was a Jewish German American composer, known for his bravura Carmen Fantasie for violin and orchestra, based on musical themes from the Bizet opera Carmen, and for his musical scores for films. Waxman was born Franz Wachsmann in Königshütte (Chorzów) in the German Empire's Prussian Province of Silesia. He orchestrated Frederick Hollander's score for the 1930 film Blue Angel (1930) and wrote original scores for several German films in the early 1930s.

Read more about Franz Waxman on Last.fm.

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Paul Hindemith

Born in Hanau in 1895, Paul Hindemith was taught the violin as a child. He entered the Hoch'sche Konservatorium in Frankfurt am Main where he studied conducting, composition and violin under Arnold Mendelssohn and Bernhard Sekles, supporting himself by playing in dance bands and musical-comedy outfits. He led the Frankfurt Opera orchestra from 1915 to 1923 and played in the Rebner string quartet in 1921 in which he played second violin, and later the viola. In 1929 he founded the Amar Quartet, playing viola, and extensively toured Europe.

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