kyu KYU is the name of three artists represented on 1) kyü is an experimental pop outfit from Sydney, featuring duo Freya Berkhout and Alyx Dennison. Sounds like a tea party with Beethoven, Bowie, Bj Tags: metaldeathcoreNu-metaldeathmetalMathMetalgroove metalTechnical Death Metalgroove metaldelights musicgroove math metalpolyrithmic metaljapanesenumetalFusionMath-metalmath metalheavy metalnu-deathcorealternative metalProgressive metalnu death core metalnucoreN-DTH-CR-MTLnu-deathmultiple artists of the same namedoujin ongakuDeath-Metalelectronictranceexperimental popdutchaustraliafemale vocalistprogressive tranceAustralianmusicseen liveLink: LastFmArtist Type: