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Ten Typ Mes

Ten Typ Mes, also known as Mes (real name Piotr Szmidt) is a Polish artist born in 1982 in Warsaw, Poland. He started out his musical career as a member of Flexxip, at first a four member band and later on only Mes and Emil Blef. His first appearances on productions are connected to "Muzyka Klasyczna" by Pezet, "Al-hub" by Red and vinyl compilations where he appeared with Flexxip and 2cztery7. An important moment in his career was an appearance on Kodex by Magiera and L.A. together with Emil Blef (as Flexxip) and Pezet.

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The Silents

The Silents is a four-piece band from Perth, Western Australia. Benjamin Stowe and Jamie Terry began writing and recording music heavily influenced by early sixties psychedelic and beat music in the second half of 2002. In September 2003, Stowe watched friend Sam Ford

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There are numerous artists who use the name Bigfoot. 1) Bigfoot is a artist from Bolton, England. 2) Bigfoot is a one-man artist from the Netherlands. 3) BIGfoot is a artist from Connecticut. 4) Bigfoot is an Australian Hip-Hop artist. 5) Bigfoot is a Rock band from Toronto, Canada. 6) A mythical hairy ape-like humanoid that is said to dwell in the more remote woodland regions of North America.

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