warszawa | Musicosity



There are at least four bands named "Husky":
1. A downtempo duo from Poland
2. A rock band from the United States
3. A rock band from Australia
4. An indie rock band from Mexico 1) Polish electronica-downtempo duo consisting of Patrycja Hefczynska (vocalist/writer) and Jacek Dojwa (composer/producer). Their music is influenced by such artists as Björk, Craig Armstrong, Amon Tobin, Telefon Tel Aviv, Portishead and Lamb. They released two LP's: "Czy słyszysz?" (eng. Do you hear) in 2002 and "Zgadnij" (eng. Guess) in 2006.

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Ten Typ Mes

Ten Typ Mes, also known as Mes (real name Piotr Szmidt) is a Polish artist born in 1982 in Warsaw, Poland. He started out his musical career as a member of Flexxip, at first a four member band and later on only Mes and Emil Blef. His first appearances on productions are connected to "Muzyka Klasyczna" by Pezet, "Al-hub" by Red and vinyl compilations where he appeared with Flexxip and 2cztery7. An important moment in his career was an appearance on Kodex by Magiera and L.A. together with Emil Blef (as Flexxip) and Pezet.

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Fu is a Polish rapper. He's been active on the scene since it's very beginnings in Poland. He is known for working with bands like ZIP Skład and Zipera. He was first heard in 1998 on DJ 600V's album "Produkcja Hip-Hop", where he appeared together with other mamebers of Zip Skład. After that, he appeared on Wzgórze Ya-pa-3's album "Ja Mam To Co Ty" and on a compilation called "Hip-Hopowy Raport z Osiedla". In 1999 he made a guest appearance on another compilation "600 Kilovolt" by DJ 600V and in September Zip Skład released it's first album "Chleb Powszedni".

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OMP był zespołem, który na przełomie 1998-9 roku miał ambicje, aby namieszać trochę na polskiej scenie. Zaliczano go wówczas do szerokiego grona młodych, warszawskich składów, które miały odświeżyć nieco już monotonne i w kółko wałkowane schematy. Zespołów, z których każdy podążał nową drogą w poszukiwaniu własnego stylu i odkrywał szerokie horyzonty hip-hop'u. OMP stało wówczas w jednej linii z takimi artystami jak Grammatik, Płomień 81, RHX Skład, Metropolia, białostockie 17, czy szczecińskie Wiele CT.

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Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike

Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike have come a long way in a very short period of time. Sought after producers, remixers to the A-list elite – Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, LMFAO, Pitbull – and #1 hit makers, the accolades they’ve clocked up so far are equal to those some amass in a lifetime! Touring across the planet, they are one of the hottest tickets in dance music & grace the biggest venues & festivals with their explosive brand of EDM.

Read more about Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike on Last.fm.

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There are two (and quite possibly more) bands by the name Julia, 1) Julia was an american / band, active in the mid 1990's.
Their style resembled the frantic sound of eastcoast (more specifically DC) emo, complete with octave chords and dark, yet melodic, basslines, thundering and slow drumming and intensly emotional vocals. On many occasions it sounded like Mathew was about to break down. Some members were playing on Lumber. Members:
Mathew Yeager (Vocals)

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