live experience | Musicosity

live experience

Go Radio

JASON LANCASTER - Vocals, Guitars, Piano
ALEX REED - Guitar
It’s a truly rare occasion when a debut by a band is met with the kind of feverish fan anticipation that has encircled LUCKY STREET, the full-length debut by Tallahassee, Florida melodic rockers GO RADIO. But then again, none of those other groups have JASON LANCASTER at the helm.

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Sleeping Giant

Sleeping Giant represent a great and terrible day when all living things will return to dust; and their sound is as formidable as one might suspect the apocalypse should be. Sleeping Giant charged onto the Redlands, CA scene in 2006 with their bold and powerful live show, where in addition to being entranced by ominous guitars, crowds are met with burning passion from articulate front man Thom Green. The sincerity behind the words that pour out from Greens mouth is deeply rooted in the bands unwavering love for The Lord.

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