ad noiseam | Musicosity

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Gore Tech

Ad Noiseam welcomes Gore Tech, a new example of the renaissance of breakcore and all things extremely hard electronic music. Tapping from the experience and progresses made in productions over the genre's famine years, this young British musician infuses his heavy beats and sudden breaks with raw energy, humongous bass and an acute sense for dancefloor madness.

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Igorrr (aka Gautier Serre) is a composer of and music who mixes genres as widely-varying as , , , , and among others. He is based in France and has been composing music since 2006. "Imagine what would be if a church organist goes crazy, learns to growl, masters the wisdom of working with sound on computer, learns to beat drums rhythms in the manner of Slipknot, plays drum machine à la Venetian Snares.

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