fastcore | Musicosity



There are multiple bands named HHH: 1. HHH (Harina de Huesos Humanos) was a fast classic '80s hardcore punk band from Banyoles, Spain. Their talented guitar and bass players made for a unique brand of hardcore. They started in Spain in the early '80s playing on fuel drums and in their prime they quit to live simple lives. 2. HHH is a Swedish noise band. 3. HHH was a hardcore band from Peterborough. They put out a demo on Positive Outlook records and a full length called Making Changes on Household Name records.

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There are four bands that go by the name Laceration- three from the US and one from Australia. The ones from Illinois were Novembers Doom before being known as that, so they play a very slow style of Death Metal, appropraitely called Death Doom.
The Australian band are a melodic metal group who have been together for six years and have just released their second EP, Unwelcome Guests. A thrash band from the bay area also goes by the name "Laceration".

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Head Check

There are at least two bands with the name Head Check: 1. Head Check is a hardcore band of young guys from Whitby, ON
Play a style of hardcore not unlike Breakdown, Underdog, Supertouch, Chain of Strength, Straight ahead and leeway.
Head Check Crew Bust!
They have been busy playing shows, and recording. Make sure to check them out!
Boiling Point EP out now.
Vocals- Jacob
Guitar- Scott
Bass- Brandon
Drums- Derek 2. Head Check is a hardcore band from Melbourne, Australia formed in late 2010.

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There are seven bands called A.I.D.S. #1: A.I.D.S. is a black metal band from Indiana, US in 2004. The only member in the band is Tophetarath known from other bands like Fog, Nokturnel and Hordes of the Lunar Eclipse. A.I.D.S.' lyrics are about the holocaust, they have released 1 album called "Syndrome of the End Approaching" and they're Currently working on a split with EMK #2: Name : Helius Zhamiq aka KORRIGAN aka A.I.D.S.aka
Wyplash aka Bottlegrin aka S.I.H. aka Harl’M Rakai
Members : K.BAL (Since 1996, Founder), ARTSKORPS (Since

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There are several artists using the name Trigger: 1.) Trigger are a rock band (female fronted) from Serbia. They can be found at They have just released their first studio album called 'Ljubav' (Love).
trig•ger I ['trigÁ(r)] n obarac, oroz; cin koji inicira odredjen splet okolnosti to pull a ~ povuci obarac; to cock a ~ zapeti oroz trigger II v tr (colloq.) izazvati, pokrenuti, aktivizirati; to ~ a reaction izazvati reakciju

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They Live

There are THREE bands by this name. 1) Joe Seven and Consequence
2) Hardcore band
3) Fast hardcore band from Buffalo
4) Norwegian Doom band 1) A collaboration between Joe Seven and Consequence. Their debut album is due out in March 2011 on Exit Records, titled Cancel Standard. A single, Pure Palms / Don't Know What To Say, was released in Feburary 2011 on Autonomic. 2) Drawing influence from 80's goth bands like The Cure and Joy Division...

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Scottish, Glaswegian band Suspire, are brothers Mark Duffin (bass guitar, vocals) and Paul Duffin (guitar, lead vocals), along with Clare Kelly (drums).
After completing their first ever EP in 2007, the band are due to start work on a record in 2009. The band are also pioneers of an underground art/music movement called One Creative Scotland, and collaborate from time-to-time with Glasgow-born short film-maker, Mark Moore.

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