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Jack Scott

Jack Scott (Giovanni Sacfone Jr) was born January 24, 1936 in Windsor Ontario, Canada, and raised in Detroit, an Italian hillbilly who worshipped Hank Williams, and became a rock and roll star. His first album, entitled Jack Scott. One of the first album recorded in stereo, it contained a mixture of rockabilly and ballads of which 10 were Scott's own compositions. Recording for Carlton he came up with a rocking song about a friend in prison titled Leroy. The other side of the record was a sad ballad called My True Love.

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Kill The Dandies!

KILL THE DANDIES! were started by two main Nihilists (of the former international fame of Moimir Papalescu & The Nihilsts), La Petite Sonja /voc., keyb., synth./ and Hank J. Manchini /voc., guit./ with an old-school-punk-rock guitarist Richard Fischer (also of Take Death). The trio was joined by hammering drummer Vratislav Placheta (Green Monster and also of The Nihilists) and a heavy-duty bass man Martin Růžička of the The Ritchie Success.

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1990 was the year Dreamkillers busted their way onto the Aussie underground scene via the culmination of two local Brisbane punk outfits; “Mystery of Sixes” and “Insane Hombres”. The name Dreamkillers came after a conversation regarding the 1957 Williams Burrows classic, The Red Planet, where he refers to the “dream killers”. Disillusioned with the inferior commercial offerings of the time, Dreamkillers soon channelled this angst into a raunchy punk-inspired, hardrock / heavy-metal tour-de-force that became their trademark sound.

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Rock n Roll and Blues and Punk had a dirty orgy. Out of that, a kid called HEDONIACS was born... unsure who his parents are, but not really bothered... he just wants to have fun and maybe understand a bit of this nutty world along the way. "We wanna be the best, we don't compromise, we have fun, we don't bullshit and we don't give a fuck." - HEDONIACS "The songs are about my people. Our lives, our thoughts and our stories. Normal people who do abnormal things." - Lewie

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