synthpunk | Musicosity


Destruction Unit

Being the brainchild of Ryan Rousseau (Reatards, The Wongs, Tokyo Electron), Destruction Unit is a Sonoran Desert based psychedelic noise punk band. Having built a reputation for terrorizing crowds with sheer noise power and reckless behavior, they have been described as "a band who felt more like a horror movie than a band ... With guitars that were distorted beyond belief and acted more as auxiliary noise machines than instruments" (Transmission Entertainment) and "Suicide-meets-Chrome-meets-Hawkwind-meets-Screamers-meets-the-killer-last-scene-reveals-in-all-the-alien-episodes-of-The...

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Artist Type: 

Now Nothing

Formed in spring 2005 by founding members Sylph(Vocals) and Dr Decay(Synths, programming and backing vocals), but nothing as such was done apart from a few programed tracks and discussions of direction which became ironically nothing... Sylph decided to quit due to lack of motivation and commitment in December 2007. In January 2008, Dr Decay took it upon himself to carry on the project initially with his brother and cousin which never became of anything.

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