blackened sludge | Musicosity

blackened sludge

Inter Arma

Inter Arma formed in 2007 in Richmond, VA. Playing many basements around the area and writing many songs, they released their debut, Sundown, in May 2010 via Forcefield Records. "Richmond's INTER ARMA totally floored me at The Charleston with their furious mix of black metal, southern stoner style and NEUROSIS-style imperial riffage." – BBG // BrooklynVegan "Further blurring the lines between what constitutes pure Norwegian black metal, Scandinavian blackened death metal and their influences Stateside, Richmond, VA's INTER ARMA unveil one intense demon of an album with Sundown.

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Bongripper is a four-piece band from Chicago, IL, United States. Since 2005, they have self-released seven recordings. Known for a deafening and intense live performance, the band thrives on an unrelenting sound that can compete with any of the heaviest bands of their genre. 2006 - The Great Barrier Reefer
2007 - Hippie Killer
2007 - Heroin
2008 - Hate Ashbury
2008 - Meat Ditch (Collab With Winters In Osaka)
2010 - Satan Worshipping Doom

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There are at least three bands called Indian: 1) A Chicago-based band. Born in different parts of country, brewed in the depths of Chicago, Indian have grown to be chiefs of doom in the Midwest and around the U.S. since their first show in early 2003. Their slow- guitars, demon-esque vocals and mad smart rhythms make the three piece pure sophisticated evil. Indian's first recording, Godslave, released in 2004, quickly became an underground favorite for doomers across the country.

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Alkerdeel spits out droney black doom metal with blown out practice space production, grinding guitars, blasting distorted drums, filthy super sick vocals, with bursts of sludge and stretches of loping minimal crunch, sort of mathy, all very very heavy, doomy and even psychedelic. Essential for fans of Darkthrone, Burning Witch, Wolves In The Throne Room, Beherit and why not, Mount Eerie … as well as other practitioners of grim buzz and noise.

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