stuff thats in my profile but i dont know what it sounds like | Musicosity

stuff thats in my profile but i dont know what it sounds like

Thomas Fehlmann

Now that his work with The Orb has earned him a place in electronic music history, Fehlmann is afforded the artistic license to transcend all previous boundaries. His musicality and experimentalist drive converge with exceptional grace and system-bumpin' appeal. Granular hip-hop grooves and exotic chord structures interface with bold, synthetic finesse, while his housier inner child locks down some precision dance-floor cuts immersed in fluidly manipulated filtration.

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There at least two different representatives of the name Twine. 1) Baltimore, Maryland's Greg Malcolm and San Diego, California's Chad Mossholder comprise a unique musical entity. Twine is the culmination of their extended history, which includes their acclaimed 2002 LP Recorder for France's Bip-Hop and their distinguished catalogue for Chicago's Hefty Records and Sweden's Komplott. Their sound contains a mysterious and unresolved quality, the result of the musical relationship which the group's two main practitioners share.

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