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Rhythm, drone & psychedelic noise collective formed Nov 06, Manchester, UK.
The line-up shrinks and swells as the music rotates & expands to reach new frontiers and quite possibly other worlds. 12" LP (co-released w/Pariah Child) and 7" & CD-R split w/Bong (Box Records) out March 2009.. Still available - The Somnambulist's Tale (Sloow Tapes) and Aquarian Downer split release w/ White Hills....
Gnod have mercy.

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Horselover Fat

Horselover Fat are named after a character in a book. It's a book that some of Horselover Fat have read all of, some have read some of, and some have read none of. There are at least four of them. Onstage and off, Horselover Fat have played and played with theremins, guitars, bass guitars, toy keyboards, non-toy keyboards, violins, harmonicas, saxophones, xylophones, laptops, desktops, sequencers, sine waves, saw waves, square waves, drums, boxes with things in, and something called a 'kaossilator'.

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Tobias Delius

Tobias Delius was born on 15 July 1964 in Oxford, England. He began playing saxophone in 1980 in the German Ruhr region. In 1983/84 he lived in Mexico City.
Delius moved to Amsterdam in 1984 and studied for a short while at the Sweelinck Conservatorium. He quickly became involved with Amsterdam improvisers and dropped his studies to immerse himself in the improvised music scene.
He has worked in Europe and overseas with such musicians as Steve Lacy (October Meeting ’91), Louis Moholo’s Viva-la-black (South Africa ’93)...

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The Hunter Gracchus

Sheffield-based improvised/psych/out unit. The Hunter Gracchus is a trio featuring Jon and Fiona who run the Singing Knives imprint alongside Syed Kamran Ali (aka Harappian Night Recordings). The sound is kinda similar to Part Wild Horses Mane On Both Sides in that the group play free-jazz influenced fourth world trance music using percussion, strings, small instruments and crude folk melodies, though the overall sound has more to do with the kinda abstruse post-punk strategies of ensembles like The No-Neck Blues Band.

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Makoto Kawabata

Makoto Kawabata (Kawabata Makoto, 河端 一) is a Japanese musician and founding member of the band and "soul collective" Acid Mothers Temple, guitarist, performer on numerous traditional instruments, composer, improviser, mixing engineer, producer, speed guru. "Music, for me, is neither something that I create, nor a form of self-expression. All kinds of sounds exist everywhere around us, and my performances solely consist of picking up these sounds, like a radio tuner, and playing them so that people can hear them.

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Gary Fisher

Gary Fisher Is a Manchester based sound and visual artist who works within a continuous process of experimentation and enquiry focussed around investigatory or instinctive responses to sounds, objects, words and images. The work explores amplification of surfaces, textures and objects, combining found materials and reappropriating found objects and technologies for use as instruments or noise-makers.

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Rodrigo Constanzo

Rodrigo Constanzo is an experimental composer and performer living in Manchester, England. He has performed as a solo musician, or as part of various groups for the majority of his life. The most recent being as part of the SOUND festival in Scotland and speaking at the GEM Days festival in Huddersfield. He is also slated to perform at the FUTURSONIC festival in Manchester in 2009. He began his studies in music at the age of four, studying piano with his grandmother, formerly a piano teacher at the Conservatory of Cuba.

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