Brutal Death Metal | Musicosity

Brutal Death Metal

Hard Target

Hard Target is one of the best underground rappers in America right now. His lyrics are powerful and have a total sense of meaning..unlike alot of these commercial rappers. Hit him up on Soundclick. So far he's got 8 CD's under his belt. 3 solo albums, 3 group mixtapes with his group "Black Ops" (which is Hard Target & Chief), and 2 solo mixtapes. Over 70 show's in 2005 alone. He's performed @ Weslyn University in Illnois.

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Cattle Decapitation is an American grindcore/death metal band from San Diego, California, United States, formed in 1996. Over the span of a decade, the band has forged its not-so-humble beginnings in gore-grind into one of extreme metal's most relentless forces, encompassing a sound as schizophrenic as their record collections but with a determined lyrical stance resolutely damning the ills of humanity.

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Putrefaction was a side project of Grave sometimes around 1989. But the songs were shortly after integrated in the Grave set and so the project was ended. (Copied from Metal Archives) Putrefaction is also a heavy crust band from Ireland and a death metal band from Brazil.

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USA brutal death metal band Meathook, the love child of guitarist/singer Mr. Meathook and bass player Ogre Meat began in the frosty days of late Fall 2002. Since the creation of the four-piece onslaught, Meathook has managed to record their first release "Holy Shit", a six-song demo that's sure to make your bowels quiver in fits of excremental rage. Currently Meathook is sitting in the barracks in preparation for crossing the Napanee River to rape and pillage their way across North America.

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A) Old school death metal band from Sweden. In the vein of the Swedish gods Entombed and Dismember, etc. Started out in the end of 1990 but were never satisfied with their demo recordings and never released anything. The band eventually died out but was resurrected by Jimmy in 2008. In his own words: "I was too nostalgic and said to myself that: Now, many years after the band died, my old songs must be recorded and a demo shall be made, so I started the band again on my own".

Read more about Entrails on

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Common Grave

There are two bands called Common Grave: One Death Metal act from Germany, and one Black Metal act from Italy. Common Grave Death Metal:
Common Grave was founded in spring 1999 and recorded one year later with “M.D.K” the bands first demo. After some line-up changes, the release of their debut “Dehumanized” marked the start of the band. Common Grave had found their musical style: a mixture of traditional US death metal, mixed with modern elements in a powerful soundclothing.

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Impending Doom

There are multiple artists with this name: 1) Impending Doom is a christian deathcore band from California, USA. They formed in 2005 by Brook Reeves (Vocals) and Manny Contreras (Guitars) with Chris Forno (Guitars) , Jon (Bass) and Isaac Bueno (Drums, Underneath The Gun) joining them later. The band play a very solid form of deathcore which mixes in brutal death metal with grindcore and some metalcore influences. The band take influences from Suffocation and sound alike with bands such as Whitechapel, The Partisan Turbine and With Blood Comes Cleansing.

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