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Cassandra Wilson

Cassandra Wilson (born 4th December 1955) is a U.S. ist and two-time Grammy Award winner from Jackson, Mississippi. Two of her albums, Blue Skies (1988) and New Moon Daughter (1996), have topped the US jazz charts, and the latter also won her a Grammy for Best Jazz Vocal Performance in 1997. More recently, Wilson's latest album Loverly (2008) also won the Grammy for Best Jazz Vocal Album at the 51st Grammy Awards in 2009.

Read more about Cassandra Wilson on Last.fm.

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Hit & Run

Hit & Run was a 3-piece punk band from Portland, Oregon that played music heavily influenced by the melodic punk and technical skatepunk of the '90s. Hit & Run played songs that were fast, tight, hook-laden, aggressive, and melodic at times, punctuated with group shouts, powerful guitars, rapid-fire drum patterns and scrabbling bass lines. Lyrically, Hit & Run pushed toward the progressive, personal and political, but without losing a sense of humor.

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There are at least two artists with the name Rainman: 1. Rainman is the name of a soloproject by Frank Nuyens, a former member of the Dutch group Q' 65. He recorded the album 'Rainman' in 1971, a collection of songs influenced by British folkrock and songwriters from the American Westcoast. 2. For years, Rainman has been building serious skills on mic and decks alike, cementing his presence within the Brisbane and Sydney hip-hop scenes.

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Nick Adams

There are two artists online under the name Nick Adams. One from the US, who is releasing tracks from time to time. Has released a few singles such as "Without You," and "Indifference." He grew up in the Chicagoland area, went to university to study music for a year in Texas, and is currently serving in the US Armed Forces. Nick Adams is an artist originally from Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, but currently based in Melbourne, Australia.

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1)Tottenham based grime outfit now called Bloodline 2)Greg Szathmary aka Meridian from Hungary started composing music back in 1996. He went through all the steps in the progression electronic musicians usually do. Trackers, Reason, Cubase, soft synths, hardware stuffs spiced with some musical education. He learned playing piano and dealt with music theory as well.
His first real success was to get into the best 15 tracks in the Oceanlab Satellite remix contest. Since then he developed his producing skills to reappear on stage again with Emphase.

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