politically involved | Musicosity

politically involved

Ghost Mice

Ghost Mice is a two-piece folk-punk band that hails from Bloomington, IN. Ghost Mice was created from the ashes of former pop-punk bands The Devil Is Electric and Operation: Cliff Clavin. Chris Johnston (aka Chris Clavin) and Hannah who played guitar and bass respectively for OP:CC and TDIE, decided to make their act acoustic so they could tour more easily and play almost anywhere. In their own words: "We play 100% acoustic. We never use amps or mics (except once at Plan-It-X Fest). We have been playing in bands together for about 7 years.

Read more about Ghost Mice on Last.fm.

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Tin Pot Operation

Let's start with the politics. Tin Pot Operation are angry. Angry about injustice, about oppression, about poverty, about unnecessary wars and abitrary power and corporate arrogance. But anger doesn't trap them into incoherent tirades. They are expressive and articulate, and what's more, their love of music flows over every word they sing. It's clear that they're inspired by punk in its directness and sincerity, but there's a lot of pop in there as well: harmonies, hooks and toe-tapping tunes. You can dance to pretty much all of it.

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Vin Garbutt

Vin Garbutt (born in South Bank, Middlesbrough, United Kingdom), though second generation Irish, is an English folk singer and songwriter. A signifant part of his repertoire consists of protest songs covering topics such as "the Troubles" in Northern Ireland (Troubles of Erin), unemployment, and abortion. At the age of 21, in 1969, he threw caution to the winds and became a professional musician. Armed with the rich repertoire of songs he had amassed, he spent the first summer busking his way around the bars of Spain's Mediterranean coast, and on to Morocco via Gibraltar.

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Runnin' Riot

From an elementary foundation of punk and oi, Runnin' Riot have developed a really solid stock of melodic punk gems, skinhead anthems and street rock attitude. Having now seemingly played everywhere from Michigan to Llandudno, they’ve honed their live presentation even further and serve as a guiding light for the Irish punk underworld. Taken from http://www.nosebleedpress.com/nbrunninriot.htm

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