sleaze | Musicosity



There is more than one artist with this name: 1) An American melodic that appeared onto the music scene too late to make any sort of lasting impact.
The group was formed by brothers, and former Brunette band mates, Johnny (vocals) and Joey Gioeli (guitar). They recruited former Bad English members Neal Schon (guitar, best known for his work in Journey) and Deen Castronovo (drums). Ex Doro and David Lee Roth bassist Todd Jensen rounded out the band.

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Babylon A.D.

Formed in Oakland California as the Persuaders, Derek Davis (vocals), Ron Freschi (guitar) Jamey Pacheco (drums) Danny De La Rosa (guitar) and Robb Reid (bass) were in childhood and rival bands until they eventually evolved into Babylon A.D ( Later as a band, they caught the attention of Arista Records president and industry music mogul Clive Davis who signed them at a showcase in Los Angeles thanks to their impressive three-song demo, home made video and consistent sold out performances in San Francisco and Los Angeles.

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Patchwork Grace

A strange Alternative, Glam, Grunge, Trashrock fusion.
PATCHWORK GRACE - A band that clash credibility with theatre... The result of a Kate Bush, Souxsie Souix, Nikki Sixx and Kurt Cobain orgy! Formed in January 2005 playing tour slots with such luminaries as The Subways, The Fight and TrashLight Vision, PATCHWORK GRACE have bombarded audiences both sonically and visually with their intense stage show.

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Danger Danger

The quintet -- Ted Poley (vocals), Andy Timmons (guitar), Bruno Ravel (bass), Steve West (drums), and Kasey Smith (keyboards) Landed a deal with Epic in 1989. The same year saw the release of the group's self-titled debut, spawning the single/video "Naughty Naughty," which enjoyed a few airings on MTV's Headbanger's Ball program. The album failed to break the group through to the big time, but the group stuck to their guns and issued further albums: 1992's Screw It, 1995's Dawn, 1998's Four the Hard Way, and 2000's Return of the Great Gildersleeves.

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Dirty Penny

Don’t call it an accident. The long-awaited second album from Dirty Penny is sitting on the boilerplate, bubbling over and itching to be unleashed on the eardrums of Rock N Roll fans across the globe. The mass following 'The Boys', (Binge Daniels on vocals, Jonny Prynce on guitar, Tyno Vincent on bass, and Spanky Savage on drums) have developed over the past three years is nothing short of amazing. It seems, to the ill informed, that the road-warrior, un relentless attitude, sleepless nights and booze-fueled mayhem has thrust Dirty Penny into the spotlight: on accident.

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Gobsausage formed in the early noughties by Takalina, Miss Halski and Culture Yob (aka Son of Daughter). Over the years they've had several Shoreditch girls (under alias names) provide vocals on their songs and perform live on stage with them. Such aliases as Cleopatra Galaxina, Miss Lucifer, Spanky Burger, Hong Kong Kitten, Prissie Poison and Trixie Dirttrain, alias used by Tree Carr. Their live shows are accompanied by violence, naked girls, an asian transvestite, a gimp-masked man, , and some of the best electro music we've heard for the best part of forever.

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The Gentle Scars

The gentle scars were formed in the autumn of 2000 and quickly gained a reputation for their lively and incendiary stage performances.
They released a number of limited edition ep`s that earned some glowing reviews throughout the british north-west punk/alternative scene and gained a sizable following.
Their reputation as an excellent punk-pop rock`n`roll outfit continues to grow and is represented in their full length debut album "reflectoporn". Beautiful,sleazy,raging punk-pop rock`n`roll. An angry cat fight between different sensibilities contained within the human and animal psyche.

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