The debut album "Tingsek" from 29 year old Magnus Tingsek from S
The debut album "Tingsek" from 29 year old Magnus Tingsek from S
Hey Ocean! - facebook, Official Website, Soundcloud. If asked, the members of Hey Ocean!, will probably tell you that they are a Canadian band, however their humble beginnings swapping songs on the beaches of Costa Rica are undeniably where the spirit of their music resides. Stemming from the minds of Vancouver songstress Ashleigh Ball and British-born singer/songwriter David Beckingham their mix of focused surfer energy, tight harmonies, and clever lyrics are supported by groove obsessed bassist, David Vertesi.
Z-Star’s live shows are quite simply, unforgettable. From the first strum of her acoustic guitar to the last note she sings, you get the feeling that you’ve just experienced something very special. Her deep raspy blue tones flow effortlessly with the power of a diva who has mastered silence. Z* is a gifted individual, the self-penned lyrical stories of life and love she offers are evergreens, vivid and beautifully expressed within a dynamic emotive sound.