ultra sick brutal death metal | Musicosity

ultra sick brutal death metal

Indecent Excision

The band formed in 2006 as a project of Hannes. After experimenting with members of PUTRIDITY and EGEMONY, a lasting partnership was formed... in 2008 when vocalist Bazza joined the band. The pair entered Magostudio in Trento at the end of 2010 to record their debut album, "Deification Of The Grotesque"

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Vomitous first saw light in the deep Scandinavian woods of Orsa, in the year 2001. Founding members were Mike (guitar) and Matti (ex-vocals). Their dream was to create the most retardedly heavy slam ever to be witnessed. The name of the band was taken from the song Festering Vomitous Mass by the undisputed kings of unparalleled perversion, Devourment. They started rehearsing with only vocals and guitar.

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