working class punk | Musicosity

working class punk

The Barracudas

This London-based Anglo-Canadian band, whose members include Jeremy Gluck (vocals), Robin Wills (guitar), David Buckley (bass), and Nick Turner (drums), was formed in 1979 and scored a U.K. chart hit in 1980 with the neo-surf song "Summer Fun." Turner and Buckley left after the release of the first album Drop Out With the Barracudas (1981) and were replaced by Jim Dickson and Terry Smith. Chris Wilson also joined on guitar.

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There are 2 artists under this name;
1.Perkele started in late 1993. by four guys, Ron vocals and guitar, Jonsson drums, Olof Bass and Anders Guitar. Perkele recorded the first demo tape ”Nu får det vara nog” in the beginning of 94 and next one ”Det växande hatet” in late 94, the band did so many gigs that they became a well known punk band in their hometown, the sound was back in the days very fast punk with Swedish folk music influences a sound that you still can hear even today. After a while Anders got tired of playing music and left the band and Perkele became a three member band.

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